Belt and Road Initiative
China’s AI Leap 2025: Win for Both Global North and Global South
【BRI Ambassador Interview】Ambassador of Greece: Greece Is China’s Prominent Maritime Partner and Land-Sea Corridor
“What we want is to strengthen the already excellent collaboration we have with China in terms of investment, yet there are also more areas we can improve cooperation such as trade, technological collaboration, agriculture, and tourism.”
【BRI Ambassador Interview】Tunisian Ambassador to China: Tunisia Expects to Play More Active Role in Belt and Road
“The Chinese government is now encouraging Chinese enterprises to go global and invest abroad. The two countries have great space for cooperation in the EU market, African and Arab markets, and other areas.”
BRI: Platform for promoting multilateralism and deeper integration
At the same time, the BRI is also helping the world meet many of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Unpacking Misconceptions
China has always looked to cooperating with rather than dominating other countries
【High-level Interview】Ong Keng Yong: The Belt and Road Initiative has Enabled China to be More Active on the Global Stage
“Many problems have been solved over the last five years. As people realize that the Belt and Road Initiative is more than ambition, they shall undertake its management and comprehension more effectively.”
【BRI Ambassador Interview】 Ambassador of Ethiopia: We Need Grand Initiatives such as the BRI to Bring us all Together
“The Ethiopia-China strategic partnership, under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, aims to realize the connectivity of the two countries. What’s more important is to create a platform to work together. So this is a great opportunity. It is also the reason that Ethiopia is actively participating in the initiative.”
【BRI Ambassador Interview】 Osama Elmagdoub: BRI Can Be Considered as a Global Comprehensive Development Plan
“The Suez Canal Economic Zone is an Egyptian Initiative that was not related to the Belt and Road Initiative at the beginning. However, it is now being connected to it.”
【BRI Ambassador Interview】 Prince of Kuwait: We Pin High Hopes on the Belt and Road Initiative
“If this Initiative does well for others, it will certainly be welcomed by Kuwait.”
【Exclusive Interview】 BRI Is Moving from Basic Infrastructure to High Quality Projects
“In most cases, China has tried its best to adhere to these principles and this is what makes the Belt and Road Initiative different from others. It is not a one-sided project that China pushed upon partner countries. It consults with the partner countries on what they need and how it can help.”
【High-level Interview】Justin Vaïsse: The Belt and Road has Improved Interconnectivity Among Countries
The BRI is a very positive development but it should really keep in mind that we need these norms of transparency, good governance and we should abide by these international principles so as to make them a real win-win situation.
【BRI Ambassador Interview】EBRD Official: The Belt and Road Initiative Is Globalization 2.0
The values and the principles of the B&R Initiative are really values and principles integrating economies, integrating people, and integrating countries. It’s really the basis of globalization.