Stop Playing with Fire
However, its true intention: provocation intended to interfere in China’s internal affairs through Taiwan as a means to contain China’s continuing development.
However, its true intention: provocation intended to interfere in China’s internal affairs through Taiwan as a means to contain China’s continuing development.
Without this leadership and cooperation, the present disastrous pandemic will accelerate into a catastrophic collapse of global security and the impoverishment of billions of the global population.
Those world leaders show different ideas on global or regional affairs. But they said no to new cold war or any attempts to split the world by escalating conflicts between the US and China.
America’s illegitimate unilateralism has not gone unnoticed by other countries, including its own allies. With every abuse of power, the U.S. is harming its image on the world stage.
Nevertheless, while the panel’s ruling is a setback for the United States, it is a victory for China, which will never stop working to safeguard its trade interests in a manner consistent with the WTO.
The US is not qualified to build a coalition of “clean countries” because it is itself dirty all over.
More importantly, while the institute’s massive dragon dance costume has been sent to another Confucius Institute in the U.S. that is still clinging to life but facing a similar fate, Kung assures his work to build bridges and foster mutual understanding and harmony, to be “responsible and open-minded” in a post-truth and angry world, is now more important than ever, and that he remains eager to work to those ends.
In China’s case there are three possibilities, three different policy objectives representing three different factions in the White House, and I think these have been merged into a single policy approach that can incrementally rachet up pressure if a particular tactic fails to achieve strategic objectives.
Xi’s ‘Five Never Allows’ is self-defensive and assertive. It means that China, led by CPC, is willing and ready to protect her legitimate rights and interests. It is not aggressive in that it is not a face-off towards the U.S.
Disney’s Mulan shows us that while not perfect, international audiences are interested in Chinese stories.
Human rights, including the rights to an education and employment, are vital to ensure a life worthy of a human being. However, they also lay bare the moral vision of a country and the type of people that country wishes to foster. What the U.S. is doing is both a tragedy and a travesty. It can and must do better.
China and the U.S. working together can make great things happen for the two countries and the world at large, while China and the U.S. stuck in confrontation spells disaster for the two countries and beyond.