Time to Cease Fire
This conflict has lasted for nearly 80 years and the blood feud of several generations cannot be erased in the short term, but at least a temporary ceasefire has given the world a hope for peace.
This conflict has lasted for nearly 80 years and the blood feud of several generations cannot be erased in the short term, but at least a temporary ceasefire has given the world a hope for peace.
Both China and the United States share close economic ties with other Asia-Pacific economies, and the improvement of their relations injects a strong boost into regional cooperation.
The meeting was important in setting a floor for relations that have been festering and deteriorating for years, and in identifying concrete issues for urgent consultation and action while the current Biden administration is in office.
If those countries and companies that have achieved a lead in the field of AI try to maintain their advantages by setting the rules, it will deprive the Global South of a level playing field in the technological competition.
Restoring trust in the Sino-American relationship will require work on both sides. It’s time to get serious and get to work placing the world’s most important bilateral relationship on a more stable footing.
The meeting has the potential to serve as a turning point in the current China-U.S. relationship, at least between now and early 2024, and opens the door for the gradual restoration of cooperation across a broad spectrum.
As flames engulf the Middle East, the world must turn its focus to extinguishing at least one battlefield, before the shadow of war grows even larger. All sides must set aside blame and work toward a just peace.
Digital trade has a big role to play in optimizing foreign trade mix. In this context, the Global Digital Trade Expo is creating a platform for its further development and increased openness of the world economy as a whole.
As two major countries in the world, whether China and the U.S. can find a right path of state-to-state interaction bears on world peace and development, and the future of humanity.
At this pivotal moment, when surveying the global landscape, who, if not China, is better positioned to fulfill the role of global free trade advocate?
Increased two-way trade, dialogue and relationship building will benefit the vendors, the buyers and the leaders in attendance but ultimately will benefit the people and economies of China and the world.
The BRI has introduced inclusive free trade rules. It has not put the interests of one or a few specific countries first, but has involved developing countries in the process of economic globalization.