Belt and Road: Past and future
Despite the dangerous trajectory international relations have taken, cooperation is still possible and the BRI remains a tool that can contribute to worldwide prosperity.
Despite the dangerous trajectory international relations have taken, cooperation is still possible and the BRI remains a tool that can contribute to worldwide prosperity.
The Chinese often say that there are 1,000 reasons for a good Sino-American rapport and not one for a bad relationship. The same should be true on the U.S. side.
It is understandable that the purpose of the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation is to protect local enterprises, but the EU’s rash engagement in trade protectionism has nothing to do with ‘fairness.’
The 19th Asiad addresses our differences in the spirit of equality, inclusiveness and friendship, through mutual learning.
Given the U.S. has made too many empty promises about global governance in recent years, the IMEC’s ‘balancing’ ideology perhaps actually deepen the divide instead of bridging it.
Perhaps it’s time for Western politicians to ponder this question: If China is already a giant dragon, who is forcing it to keep growing?
Only through greater and consistent international cooperation and solidarity can notable progress of global human rights become possible.
The U.S. exaggerates the so-called ‘security threats’ posed by China’s development to cover up its true intention of suppressing China’s economic growth and sustaining its own hegemony.
Japan’s willful action is extremely selfish and irresponsible. By dumping the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, Japan is spreading the risks to the rest of the world and jeopardizing future generations of humanity.
China, and indeed the other BRICS members, do want to create multipolarity to replace what has long been and to some extent remains a unipolar world order.
U.S. violations of WTO rules have severely undermined global economic stability and development.
Political manipulations over South China Sea issue fuel tensions.