‘Seizing Power’
The time has now come for the U.S. to put its money where its mouth is and lift the embargo on PV products from Xinjiang. Seizing these products from China will only cease powerful sustainable growth in the U.S.
The time has now come for the U.S. to put its money where its mouth is and lift the embargo on PV products from Xinjiang. Seizing these products from China will only cease powerful sustainable growth in the U.S.
The international community’s response to climate change now faces severe challenges and developing countries have suffered the most from global warming. It urges developed countries to step up to their historical responsibilities and fulfill their due international obligations.
China has promoted a new pattern of development that is focused on the domestic economy and features positive interplay between domestic and international economic flows.
In the 19th century, social justice reformers had a famous rallying cry: ‘eight hours’ labor, eight hours’ recreation, eight hours’ rest.’ In the 21st century, there is no reason to go backwards.
How to fend off external disruptions and transform the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation are priorities China and the ASEAN countries need to accomplish together.
The meeting was a positive step, but no indication of real change.
Demand is changing, not disappearing. The products people want, where and how they want to buy them, purchase motivators, and the continued torrid growth of e-commerce and integrated retail should all be subject to review and improvement.
The Catalogue of Industries for Encouraging Foreign Investment (2022 Version) will help lift the level of opening up and also optimize foreign investment structures, consequently boosting foreign investor expectations and confidence in their China-based business.
The West seems to be regressing to the mercantilist bloc system of the colonial era. This time, however, there is only one bloc, where the former colonial masters have assembled as vassals of a single hegemon, with the rest of the world looking on from the outside.
There are indeed serious deviations in the American policymakers’ understanding of the current international situation, the U.S. status in the world, China-U.S. relations and other major issues.
On the one hand, this is an existential defense mechanism, psychologically speaking. On the other hand, many Americans understand their interests align substantially with American hegemony, and therefore, there is an anti-China alignment.
For the U.S., as the congressional insider trading scandals keep coming, accompanied by wide media coverage turning the entire house inside out, this may be an opportunity to start reversing the decline of politics’ ethical standards.