Hard of Hearing?
The real purpose of this series of congressional hearings led by the Democratic Party is not to correct the systemic problems in the American democratic system. The hearings only seem to further intensify the partisan divide.
The real purpose of this series of congressional hearings led by the Democratic Party is not to correct the systemic problems in the American democratic system. The hearings only seem to further intensify the partisan divide.
The G20 today shoulders important responsibilities in leading global anti-pandemic efforts, improving global economic governance and promoting the steady recovery of the world economy.
Thanks to CBEC, small and micro companies that previously found themselves marginalized in international trade can now participate directly in global product and supply chains.
Abe’s pursuit of amending the constitution to strengthen the military, and his efforts over the years to strengthen Japan’s global alliance to contain China, seem to have led Japan into a dead end. Perhaps, now is a chance for Kishida to turn a corner.
The Chinese economy is resilient with great potential and its size allows it to weather fluctuations.
As one of the world’s major carbon emitters, the U.S., too, must rise to the occasion and deliver on its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Taking action against climate change should be considered a small sacrifice for the greater good to avoid future generations paying the ultimate price.
With the U.S. seemingly making a strong international comeback, Europe’s efforts to free itself from American reins are once again overshadowed. The question remains, who will benefit most from NATO’s continuous expansion? Not Europe, that’s for sure.
In less than a decade, BRICS countries have evolved into regional or global leaders in digital technologies.
The Supreme Court, which is supposed to uphold and protect citizens’ rights, looks to be more of a factionalized arena where human rights and women’s wombs can be sacrificed. So what’s next?
For the sake of our global community with a shared future, we should all work toward our goal of satisfying the world’s security needs in a way that is beneficial to all.
Sharing of experience and knowledge promises to bring great benefit both to China and to Europe. Despite global challenges, EU-China environmental cooperation remains strong, and is likely to continue.
Neither the G7 nor BRICS countries, developed or developing nations, can tackle the current global crisis alone. That is why the world is looking forward to the upcoming Group of 20 meeting in November.