Conflict Fuels Food Security Concerns
Countries, rich and poor alike, are suffering. At a time when global food supply chains are choked due to the pandemic, the Ukraine crisis is worsening an already dire food security situation.
Countries, rich and poor alike, are suffering. At a time when global food supply chains are choked due to the pandemic, the Ukraine crisis is worsening an already dire food security situation.
Today, the world stands at a historic crossroads. Rather than being a satellite of the U.S., the ROK can play its role as an independent participant in international collaboration.
The overemphasis on the European ancestry and white identity of Ukrainians is a betrayal of the universal values of freedom and racial equality. In the 21st century, this is no longer a sign of acceptable pride; it’s unacceptable prejudice.
China and the ROK are neighbors that cannot be separated. As long as they work together with mutual respect and meet each other halfway, they will be able to overcome difficulties and obstacles.
China’s pattern is, if we can bake a bigger prosperity pie, everyone in the community with a shared future can get a bigger slice.
Neither country stands to benefit from the trade war; what they really need, is a suitable free trade agreement.
In today’s era of social media in the ‘free world’,free speech should perhaps come with a new disclaimer, something along the lines of ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will give you a platform to say it.’
The protection of cybersecurity demands global cooperation. The peaceful use of cyberspace is conducive to the common interests of the human world.
Any war should end with negotiations to stop the bloodbath and offer solutions to the pending problems.
How to realize high-quality growth while maintaining a moderate pace is key right now and heavily relies on economic restructuring.
The deafening silence from the international community on the plight of Afghans seems to be endorsing the chilling connivance of the U.S.’ ‘might is right’ philosophy under the present international order.
The struggle today is neither between different ideologies nor civilizations, but between the old and the new. It’s the struggle between the vanguard and the rearguard.