Active Aging
Western countries have already developed a mature social system to tackle the side effects of an aging population, but there is little for China to copy due to fundamental differences in traditions and national conditions.
Western countries have already developed a mature social system to tackle the side effects of an aging population, but there is little for China to copy due to fundamental differences in traditions and national conditions.
ASEAN’s centrality in RCEP lies in its success in brokering the first ever FTA for China, Japan and the ROK.
Biden’s most undeniable failures have come in international relations, flirting with wars, both hot and cold, with China and Russia, the latter over NATO expansions, while leaving behind absolute chaos and catastrophe in Afghanistan.
No nation in the world could ever play concurrent imposer, appraiser and grader of democracy.
China supports humanity’s shared values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom.
The effectiveness of the Hong Kong SAR’s political system depends on whether it conforms to its real conditions, contributes to its long-term stability and improves the quality of life for all of its citizens.
When China, Europe and the U.S. work together, they can solve the most complex problems and contribute to the advancement of humankind.
China can be an essential supporter for reorganizing the political and economic agenda in Latin and South America.
Putting the population first and taking its longing for a better life as the goal is the responsibility of all countries.
The international system is inexorably moving toward more multipolarity, polycentrism and pluralism. Washington is out of step with the trend of the times and must opt for productive diplomacy over destructive war policy.
Undeniably, infrastructural connectivity is a ‘game changer’ that can transform an economic backwater into a bustling hub of economic growth.
Hopes are high that the new Hong Kong LegCo will make every effort to tackle the city’s real problems and seize every newfangled, historic even, opportunity arising from national development.