Missing the Plot
The media are a key driver, pushing society forward, and thus are supposed to abide by the bottom line of the profession.
The media are a key driver, pushing society forward, and thus are supposed to abide by the bottom line of the profession.
With the restoring of order in Kazakhstan, economic issues and its people’s livelihood will become the government’s top priority. Cooperation with China will help the country address its most pressing development challenges.
China needs to execute a national strategy for global supply chain security to strengthen its competitiveness. It should further open up to the outside world and make itself more attractive to foreign investors.
The U.S. irresponsibly left the JCPOA during Trump’s time in office, has since imposed sanctions against Iran, and is still stalling on reviving the deal in ongoing multilateral talks in Vienna, Austria.
The RCEP is poised to become the most dynamic economic bloc in the world, ready to drag the world economy out of its current gloom.
America’s focus ought to be on improving ourselves by overcoming the problems within our own society.
Western countries have already developed a mature social system to tackle the side effects of an aging population, but there is little for China to copy due to fundamental differences in traditions and national conditions.
ASEAN’s centrality in RCEP lies in its success in brokering the first ever FTA for China, Japan and the ROK.
Biden’s most undeniable failures have come in international relations, flirting with wars, both hot and cold, with China and Russia, the latter over NATO expansions, while leaving behind absolute chaos and catastrophe in Afghanistan.
No nation in the world could ever play concurrent imposer, appraiser and grader of democracy.
China supports humanity’s shared values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom.
The effectiveness of the Hong Kong SAR’s political system depends on whether it conforms to its real conditions, contributes to its long-term stability and improves the quality of life for all of its citizens.