Biden’s Relief Bill Might Bring About Greater Challenges in the Long Run
Considering Biden’s upcoming $3-trillion tax and infrastructure package, the pressure on the U.S. fiscal deficit will continue to intensify significantly.
Considering Biden’s upcoming $3-trillion tax and infrastructure package, the pressure on the U.S. fiscal deficit will continue to intensify significantly.
They don’t want to prove themselves wrong and they’ve already convinced ‘the court of public opinion.’ Maybe that’s enough. The same way it was enough to invade Iraq where no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found, and the same way Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Viet Nam and many others were invaded.
China’s new development paradigm with the domestic market as the mainstay and the internal and external markets reinforcing each other means it will not close its door to the outside world. Instead, China is building an open economy at a higher level while improving its economic resilience and competitiveness.
One cannot uphold the rule of law by including in governance those who wish to tear down the rule of law.
The commitment to support the Belt and Road Initiative, interwoven into its foreign and economic policy since 2013, has not wavered due to temporary shocks.
It helps China, it helps the United States if the young people have personal relationships and really understand what the other culture, what the other system is like.
On the basis of mutual and shared interest in decarbonization, China and the U.S. have a lot to cooperate on in a very practical way.
The roadmap in the next five years for the full development of a domestic market characterized by financial inclusion is challenging.
The combination of communication and cooperation has now become an unstoppable trend across the Taiwan Straits.
Combating COVID-19 is an excellent chance for the two countries to get together and try to do things that will help globally, particularly with vaccine issues.
The trade war has been a lose-lose, which the economists have all said from day one, has resulted in a roughly half point drop in GDP growth for both countries.
Seeking common ground while shelving differences is of particular importance to the current state of the China-U.S. relations.