Opening Up: From China to the World

"Opening up is a defining feature of Chinese modernization," according to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the...

The World Body Needs to Reflect New Global Realities

If we look at the Chinese experience over the course of reform and opening up—no other country has demonstrated a similar capacity for that kind of work. Conversely, other leading countries, including above all the United States and to a lesser degree others including Japan, have become stuck in declining positions because they are unable to reform even themselves. So in this sense, China has the capacity, opportunity and responsibility to help lead reforms.

Confucius’ Descendant Is Committed to China-U.S. Harmony

More importantly, while the institute’s massive dragon dance costume has been sent to another Confucius Institute in the U.S. that is still clinging to life but facing a similar fate, Kung assures his work to build bridges and foster mutual understanding and harmony, to be “responsible and open-minded” in a post-truth and angry world, is now more important than ever, and that he remains eager to work to those ends.