The Problems with the G7
The global order is shifting in favor of multipolarity, which effectively makes such U.S. led mini-cliques anachronisms in attempting to depict the world ‘how they want it to be’ rather than ‘how it actually is.’
The global order is shifting in favor of multipolarity, which effectively makes such U.S. led mini-cliques anachronisms in attempting to depict the world ‘how they want it to be’ rather than ‘how it actually is.’
For the EU to maintain its principled opposition to any ‘zero-sum’ contest, it should build on its stated desire to partner with Beijing on global issues and avoid misconstruing its partner as a political rival.
In any event, this strike wave gives the lie to claims by many anti-Brexit intellectuals that the British – and in particular the English – working class are docile serfs who are too idle or stupid to think and act in their own interests as workers.
The U.S. believes it has an infinite right to use sanctions aggressively, while simultaneously accusing China of ‘economic coercion.’ This situation only highlights the hypocrisy, arrogance, double standards, and unequal nature of American unipolarity.
A fearful nation with sensationalistic media and a humongous military can be antithetical to world peace.
Even if there is no feasible outcome for decades, it is certain that such debt will continue to grow until, one day, there may be no easy way out, especially given the current toxic nature of U.S. party politics.
As part of the BRI, CPEC embodies the spirit of building a community of shared future for mankind, and has witnessed pragmatic cooperation between Pakistan and China.
The latest round of the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan FMs’ Dialogue should be recognized for its forward-looking vision to break conflict deadlocks in Afghanistan, steer the nation towards long-sought stability, and unite against the threat of terrorism.
Charting ways to impede countries’ strategic autonomy while blaming Beijing for infringing upon maritime rights is an exercise in futility.
The surge of tourism over the May Day holiday demonstrates the rising optimism, resilience, and strength of the Chinese economy, even as the world falters amidst its challenges.
In addition to factual errors, President Yoon Suk-yeol has changed South Korea’s national narrative to a large extent. Once they deviated from this path, what awaited them was not merely ‘false propaganda,’ but also mistakes in strategic narrative.
Laos decided to have this railroad built because they needed it, and it provides numerous benefits to many Laotian citizens.