Japan Partaking in American Adventurism Jeopardizes Bilateral Relations
Serving as a conduit for the United States to undertake its controversial policy of decoupling will harm Japan’s interests in the region and beyond.
Serving as a conduit for the United States to undertake its controversial policy of decoupling will harm Japan’s interests in the region and beyond.
Harris’ much hyped-up Africa trip was another futile exercise in anti-China hostilities. The futile efforts to sow discord between Africa and China can only expose deep-seated insecurities in America’s courtship of Africa.
The Sino-European partnership is multifaceted and characterized by a dynamic interplay of agreements and disagreements. The more China and Europe engage with each other, the better.
European countries must therefore push to conduct their foreign policies with China independently, free of third-party interference, and with a view to the continent’s long-term interests.
Andrews’ engagements with key Chinese officials arrive at a time when a climate of diplomatic rapprochement is well set and follow their top diplomats having already contemplated opportunities to scale economic cooperation into various fields.
China is back and will have more opportunities to engage with the world and explain. That message came loud and clear from Boao.
The understandings reached, the goodwill expressed and the commitment to pursuing a world order devoid of great power politics, polarization and Cold War were the hallmarks of the 2023 Boao Forum for Asia.
China remains an important source of revenue growth and security that businesses can invest in as their situation deteriorates at home. Thus, despite mainstream media negativity, business owners ought to be optimistic, not pessimistic, about their prospects in China.
The in-person resumption of high-level consultations between China and the Philippines is a vital step to consolidating implementation outcomes from January, managing differences peacefully, and guiding their relationship in a mutually rewarding direction.
The motto ‘community with a shared future for mankind’ serves as a core value driving China’s international relations and affirms the country’s opposition to hegemonism and unilateralism, highlighting its commitment to unity among the peoples of the world.
Democracy is a value shared by all mankind, and it should not be used as a tool to advance geostrategy.
Tokyo would be well advised to focus on plugging deficiencies in its intergovernmental engagement with Germany, as opposed to scapegoating China and fueling threat perceptions at the relationship’s own expense.