An Enigma with No End Game
Ten years after the Global Financial Crisis, where are we, and what happens next?
Ten years after the Global Financial Crisis, where are we, and what happens next?
Overhauling Pakistan’s economic strategy and carrying out social development reforms remain a priority for the new government and Pakistan can learn a lot from China’s reforms under the late Deng Xiaoping that were most practical and achievable as they focused more on sustainability than high rates of economic growth, resulting in unprecedented achievements over time.
With the ongoing trade friction between China and the United States, the Port of Los Angeles has added its voice to those calling for a negotiated settlement rather than imposing tariffs, believing the latter could halt the port’s booming business built up over the past two fiscal years.
Since 1974, a sort of mythology has grown up around how Malaysia’s current strong relations with China began to take shape in that year, when Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak became the first ASEAN leader to normalize relations with it.
This by itself makes it a key international event – a type of equivalent of a G7 for developing countries. But BRICS represents a greater proportion of world economic growth than the advanced G7 economies.
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – under which China is connecting itself with its “natural partners” along the Silk Road trading routes of the past – continues to be a guide for the Arab world and the Middle East.
Even as Americans launched Chinese-made fireworks in celebration of the Fourth of July, the future of the tradition fell under threat by executive trade war policies. Who will be the brake within the American system?
It is hardly surprising when global media outlets react negatively to announcements of Chinese spending figures on issues of regional and international importance. China’s uptick in its defense budget for 2018 was no exception.
The three-day Fortune Global Forum 2017 in Guangzhou is now drawing to a close, yet the heated discussion on “Openness and Innovation: Shaping the Global Economy” continues.