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The impact of the sixth plenum and the resolution on the Party’s history creates a clear understanding of China’s direction. While this path is clear, the years ahead will likely see further refinements and reforms depending on the conditions and events facing China.
When Xi’s reforms began stamping out corruption, emphasizing good governance, putting people first, promoting green development and eliminating poverty, this was strangely portrayed in the West as ‘anti-democratic’ and a return to Maoist egalitarianism. It was neither.
The economy, the ecology, and the country’s peaceful presence on the international scene are all issues China considers to be constitutive of its being a great responsible nation and a leading player in the protection and preservation of our planet.
The session reminds the CPC of its missions and goals to be accomplished. Every member of the Party should remember why the Party was established at the beginning and what goals it is striving for.
The methods China adopted to eliminate poverty offer some important lessons for India, despite the political and governance conditions in our two countries being vastly different.
Extreme poverty has been eliminated and more than 770 million have been lifted out of poverty since 1978, which equals 70 percent of the world poverty alleviation total over the same period.
Perhaps Rewi Alley would add that to understand China, the west needs to receive a Chinese voice that she is not a threat, but promotes peace and harmony.
This system has not only helped the socio-economic progress of China but also unlocked the potential for better living standards in the future.
As for China itself, the battle against poverty is not yet over. The next steps are to reduce relative poverty and inequality, vitalize central and western rural areas, and bridge the urban-rural gap.
This book is very important, not only to the Chinese friends but to all the World, especially to the new generations, to know some important pages of the Chinese revolutionary history.
The new order of global governance would be based on the true equality of nations, in which all countries have a say, and in which no nation is subject to the dictates of another or to a limited group of countries.
This is not propaganda. As a frequent visitor to many parts of China, I have seen how the quality of life of common people has risen.