A Catalyst for More Integrated World
The BRI will be a catalyst for a more integrated world and more interconnected global trade instead of regional trade.
The BRI will be a catalyst for a more integrated world and more interconnected global trade instead of regional trade.
In essence, the SCO has existed to provide a multilateral means for managing complex relationships in Central Asia, significantly improving regional development and security.
Multipolarity necessitates new institutions and methods to affirm and enhance existing multilateral frameworks, such as the U.N., to improve their functionality. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence must form a key part of these efforts.
Digitalization itself ‘holds the foundation and potential to shape a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world for generations to come.’
China has also advocated promoting more convenient interconnectivity and more fluent trade among SCO members in the region.
A key test of the correctness or otherwise of a set of principles is whether or not they stand the test of time. Over the past 70 years, the Five Principles have only become more relevant and necessary.
The rapid 5G development and expansion over the last few years depicts continuous innovation at the heart of Chinese modernization drive.
After the completion of the Eurasian transportation project, the world will witness the revival of the new Great Silk Road.
Africa has achieved tangible results in building digital infrastructure, applying new technologies, promoting smart agriculture and e-commerce trade, and training African digital talents for future work. These are proof that China has kept up with building infrastructure in Africa.
Since the inception of the SCO, China has been a driving force behind our initiatives, providing both strategic vision and tangible support.
The GCI calls for exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations.
The vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the most effective move to sustain, promote and upgrade the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the new circumstances.