Beijing Winter Olympics to Shine Bright
The Olympics is a medium of hope, the embodiment of everything humanity has achieved and everything that makes humanity great.
The Olympics is a medium of hope, the embodiment of everything humanity has achieved and everything that makes humanity great.
Many of the volunteers had enlisted and practiced for weeks for the privilege of spending hours standing in the freezing cold in one place, far from the excitement in the stadium.
It is hope that the spirit of the Olympics now doubly contributes to the entire humanity, ushering peace, share prosperity and hope for a brighter future.
The ETB report proves that a democracy, where the people rule, has many forms, and the Chinese version of its whole-process democracy is running rings around most others, especially compared to the United States.
China contained the outbreak because it had to, because it could, and because its people wanted to.
China’s top-level design, national strategies, and unprecedented efforts for green development have set a good example of pollution prevention to the developing countries grappling with climate change, environmental pollution, and habitat depletion.
This stands as a testament to China’s own story and transformation and how the country – once one of the poorest in the world – is moving towards providing upper incomes to its residents, fleecing what many economists warned as the ‘middle-income trap.’
For ASEAN countries, maintaining its neutrality and centrality in the era of big power competition no doubt demands skilled diplomacy.
Globalization is an irreversible trend. The question in today’s world is not whether globalization can be revoked but whether the process ought to be more balanced and fairer.
People across the world know that the US is not defending human rights and it is only trying to maintain its hegemony. The US and the West only want to check the economic rise of China.
As continuity is the main characteristic of China’s history and progress, its metamorphosis will further evolve in 2022.