The Second Biden-Xi Phone Call
The United States must make significant adjustments in these policies in order to protect its own long term national interest and to promote peace and development around the globe.
The United States must make significant adjustments in these policies in order to protect its own long term national interest and to promote peace and development around the globe.
This system has not only helped the socio-economic progress of China but also unlocked the potential for better living standards in the future.
The world would be safer and more stable today if the US did what it falsely accuses China of not doing and that is engaging in the rules-based regional and international order together with China, Russia and their neighbors in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN, UN and the like.
AIIB is a new institution which is free of the influence of Western countries and system. It has been designed to assist the poor and developing countries.
Fairness is the key to a better business world and China is doing its part to crack down on monopolies to open up fair competition and to create a new generation of entrepreneurs in China who can spring up and succeed.
Washington must reflect carefully about the present unstable international situation and about the deteriorating socio-economic and volatile political condition into which the US has fallen.
The US fortunes are fading and their ‘decoupling’ strategy will only accelerate the downward spiral of the nation.
Tariffs alone will not stop China’s rise. China’s most important strategic interest lies in its access to technology and however bitter this pill is to swallow for the US, this may be a trade-off in the end of Phase One discussions.
A healthy population can contribute to strengthening the nation. And we are seeing that in China.
At this critical point, all countries of the world should get united, getting rid of the US political games, pushing energetically for fighting the pandemic and sourcing its origins. WHO should also serve the people of the world, instead of a few in Washington. The window period is fast closing, we have no time to waste.
If the reason for America’s failure stems from democracy itself, and the demand to place national self-interest above the rights of others, then that would suggest that democracy could endanger the collective well-being of the global community.
US should come out of this mindset of witch-hunting and working to strengthen cooperation.