Why China’s System Works
China outperforms the world’s largest democracy on almost every economic and social indicator.
China outperforms the world’s largest democracy on almost every economic and social indicator.
Given that such measures would also contribute to the fulfilment of the goal of common prosperity, alongside rural revitalisation they offer China a win-win-win solution to the challenge of achieving well-rounded human development.
Clearly, it is time for rational thought in Washington before tensions in the Pacific and East Asia get out of hand.
The blame-China crowd is loud and boisterous in the United States, and it knows there is a willing accomplice in the nation’s corporate news media to keep the coronavirus ‘controversy’ alive.
We should expect China’s economy to stay strong for the rest of the year and this nation could emerge as the leading driver for growth for the international economy as well.
Dasu attack urges Pakistan to evaluate the new dynamics and realities in the backdrop of FGW.
The Australian Government does not even have the decency to blush at this digital duplicity.
If both New Delhi and Beijing can find a way to bridge the divide over things like the border issues and the Belt and Road Initiative through dialogue and consultation, both sides will create mutual benefits for their over 2.7 billion people, as well as the region and the rest of the world.
Biden Administration bans Chinese-made materials for solar panels in US market.
The world needs to be clear that private sector and privatization are two entirely different things. I consider privatization is takeover of assets, being facilitated by international and other financial institutions.
After seven decades of tireless struggle and with effective health system, China has been awarded the certification – a remarkable feat for a country that reported 30 million cases of malaria in the 1940s.
The present Western hysteria about China must be replaced with realistic thinking and a win-win outlook.