G7 Will Vaccinate the World?
To date, the words of fair-minded philosophers have been drowned out by the hubbub of ideological, economic, and regional differences that has prevented an effective global response to Covid-19.
To date, the words of fair-minded philosophers have been drowned out by the hubbub of ideological, economic, and regional differences that has prevented an effective global response to Covid-19.
While the Chinese model might not be suitable for our 330 million Americans, it does suit the vast majority of China’s 1.4 billion citizens as evidenced by independent public opinion polling, both long term and focused on the global pandemic still ongoing in much of the rest of the world.
It should seem ironic to those leaders that the White House is eager to protect its citizens from the alleged prying eyes of the Chinese while it apologizes for spying on its allies.
The myriad of climate change consequences on international security and stability will increasingly become visible in the coming decade.
The Biden administration must reflect carefully on the direction in which it appears to be heading. Confrontation with China is not in the US national interest.
While intellectually Biden may not wish to blame China for Covid19, politically he needs to do so. Otherwise, he risks being blamed for letting China go again. Being ‘soft on China’ could easily allow Republicans to take back control of the Senate.
China is certainly complex, but understanding some of its key achievements, and key challenges, is essential if we are to make progress on the questions ahead of us.
Prof. Yuan and many other Chinese scientists’ work on hybrid rice production technology have transformed China into a grain surplus country now. His contributions to the development of hybrid rice are the greatest gifts to humanity.
Socialism with Chinese characteristics has ultimately developed a new model of political economy with a proven track record in delivering high-quality development that is more fairly distributed across society.
The bitcoin has risen in value but that’s creating a bubble and in the market all bubbles do pop.
During the crisis, China’s leadership was nothing short of exemplary. Chairing the UNSC, Wang Yi pinned the blame on the U.S. for impeding the UNSC’s work and called on it to approve the resolution which the U.S. has serially blocked.
With over 200 million increasingly wealthy, healthy and tech-savvy seniors looking to enjoy their ‘golden-years’, China’s greying population may not be the economic burden many analysts have predicted.