Why Anti-China Reporting Prominent in the West?
The reason for framing Beijing negatively in Western media is the latter’s own need of an enemy.
The reason for framing Beijing negatively in Western media is the latter’s own need of an enemy.
The high-level talks in Alaska revealed the ongoing schism present in the China-US relationship. It also offered a rare insight into the competing narratives and markedly different foreign policy agendas of each side.
This is not only to study and know more but will go down in world history as how a nation transformed itself to set an example that other will continue to follow and learn.
The recent sandstorms to hit northern China are the latest example of extreme weather in 2021, after events in the United States and Europe, and are a spectacular reminder of the damage that can be caused when global temperatures and emissions continue to remain unchecked.
For the QUAD to live up to its claim to serve the interests of the whole regional community they will need to resolve the Quad-contradictions between the past and the future. They are not off to a good start.
The biggest challenge for the two countries is how to engage in a smart and fair competition while managing their differences to avoid confrontation.
The general picture of Sino-India friendship will not stagnate due to the difficulty posed by one issue or incident at one time.
In a positive manner, China is promoting to build a shared and prosperous future for all while adhering to the territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of the country.
China’s new 14th Five Year Plan aims to chart a new course for its economic development, one that maximises innovation, domestic consumption and international trade. But is it enough to ensure it avoids economic stagnation associated with the middle-income trap?
Interestingly, the growth target for 2021 is pretty humble: over 6 percent for 2021, while most forecasts hover between 7 and 10 percent.
Hong Kong should be governed by Hong Kong people who are patriots who respect China and national sovereignty and whose actions do not harm the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, leaving no room for anti-China radicals or separatists. Such a provision ensures that the ‘one country, two systems’ policy will be properly upheld.
Rural revitalization is designed to ensure the work of the last forty-years is not undone, and to close the gap between communities like Yun’s and those in urban areas.