Stable Sino-UK Ties to Promote Economic Cooperation
Despite some challenges, the U.K. is still ready to pursue partnership with China in multiple areas.
Despite some challenges, the U.K. is still ready to pursue partnership with China in multiple areas.
China has provided an example to the world of how poverty can be eliminated.
We appreciate the international solidarity as expressed by the CPC, particularly its work in managing the COVID-19 crisis. Many countries have received vaccines from China, and its spirit of global cooperation is yielding results.
The public good of thoughts that the CPC provides has instilled confidence and hope in today’s turbulent world.
In the future, the establishment of the FTP will allow Hainan to further merge and expand its industries in Southeast Asia with the support of the substantially larger Chinese market.
The fact that more than 90 countries supported China’s stance during the most recent UNHRC session proves that a large part of the international community now recognizes China’s progress in human rights.
The best thing China can do is to continue its policy of opening up, and continue to increase trade with all countries, including the allies of the U.S., like the EU, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, and so on.
The international community has to realize that schisms along ideological divides have no place when faced with cataclysm, particularly when the survival of the planet is at stake.
America is a land of contradictions. It’s a country whose government will hoard vaccines, then its people will refuse to take them.
It is good to note that in times of great difficulty in China-US relations, the force for bilateral exchanges and cooperation has never been absent.
History proves that a strong China is not a threat to peace but rather a force for it – and perhaps the only hope for the underdeveloped world that is still struggling in extreme poverty.
The promise and benefits of international collaboration as it pertains to the Chinese space station – in science and in exploring humanity’s final frontier – will ultimately benefit us all.