Jun 30, 2021

One Hundred Years of CPC

The CPC prides itself on staying close to the people, being part of the people, having its deep roots in the mass of the people and implementing strategies and policies that are ‘people-centered’.

Jun 30, 2021

The CPC’s Glorious Journey of 100 Years

The success of China’s reform and opening-up and the socialist modernization drive has elevated the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the world, making scientific socialism radiate with strong vitality in China in the 21st century.

Jun 29, 2021

Ecological Civilization, Socialism, and Scientific Development

China is making important contributions towards a new international order which, to my mind, represents a historic advance for the human society, while being poised to deepen and lead social, ecological, and economic transformations on the basis of scientific development.

Jun 25, 2021

Great Achievements Secured by the CPC

The secret of the Party’s success is the combination of the wise and strong leadership of the CPC, theoretical innovation in Marxism, and the country’s splendid ancient culture.