Xinjiang’s Progress and Development Can Be Seen by Everyone
China strives to build a better Xinjiang which is united, harmonious, prosperous and progressive, ecologically friendly with people living and working in peace and contentment.
China strives to build a better Xinjiang which is united, harmonious, prosperous and progressive, ecologically friendly with people living and working in peace and contentment.
No nation can solve climate change alone, for instance. No nation can reverse the environmental damage human society has inflicted on the planet or create the technologies that lead us closer to net zero alone. It will require the coming together of states, leaders, business, activists, consumers, and every tranche of society to wean the world off carbon.
The world is witnessing China’s peaceful development, which has benefited the world greatly and continues to do so in forms such as wider prosperity, better global governance, and reinforced multilateralism.
The future competition between China and the United States may be decided by the country that can continue to grow its middle class and expand the market.
One shudders to think where the U.S. will be in five, 15 or 30 years—even if Biden is able to govern effectively for the next four.
The world needs China and China cannot work in isolation in the global political, economic, strategic and cultural system. China’s growth and prosperity is contributing towards the global development index and at the same time helping the small and medium economies to stabilize.
The Shanghai Spirit, as part of the founding values of the SCO, features mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and the pursuit of common development.
Now we hope that on the basis of the achievements of the past 75 years, the United Nations will achieve strong development with the support and participation of more countries.
Governments of emerging economies must build more hospitals, train more doctors, and invest more in health care systems.
The International Monetary Fund projected China to be the only major economy that will see economic expansion this year. China’s GDP growth is expected to rebound to 8 percent and even 9 percent next year, which can ensure a good start for the upcoming 14th Five-Year Plan period.
I was in China from January through March. I can say that, from firsthand experience, the Chinese people made great sacrifices to choke off an increase in the spread of the virus.
The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China is not only a powerful economic project, but also a project developing international ties in the fields of culture, education and tourism.