May 28, 2020

Baseless American Judicialization of COVID-19 Pandemic

At this moment, the only global war worth fighting and winning is the one against COVID-19. If the battle was to depend on the U.S., it would take a back seat to Trump’s political interests. His rhetoric against China has become increasingly aggressive, which threatens his re-election plans.

May 27, 2020

A Year for China, a Decade for Any Other Nation!

The Chinese Dream is alive and well – and if other nations can swallow their pride and learn from China’s example, it can become a World Dream as well, and the nations can finally have poverty behind us, and peace and moderate prosperity ahead of us.

May 23, 2020

Dawn of a Civil Code Era

A new civil code will contribute to modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity and building a country governed by the rule of law.