China’s Way to Combat Covid-19 and What the World Should Do
This is an era of globalization and all parts of the world are connected closely. This is a time the world needs to work together and foster even more understanding and cooperation.
This is an era of globalization and all parts of the world are connected closely. This is a time the world needs to work together and foster even more understanding and cooperation.
It seems clear that our world “after” the COVID-19 pandemic will not be the same as it is now. Here is my list of some of the changes likely to emerge.
What Americans should do now is to hunker down, take responsibility for their health and the health of those they care for, and prepare for the future.
Dr. Shamshad Akhtar lauds China’s efforts against COVID-19 and urges international cooperation.
Like the rainbow after a storm, the world will be a better place to live in after the epidemic.
It is not helpful to find a scapegoat at this moment, as it will not mitigate the growing outbreak in the U.S.
Meanwhile European Union promised “we will give Italy everything it asks”, a team of medical experts arrived from China: “We came to pay back the aid received a short time ago from Italy”.
By now the virus has spread to over 100 countries, along with cases spread across many nationalities aboard cruise ships. Clearly, banning travel did not work.
These concrete areas of collaboration between the two countries constitute a heritage that will cement even more the traditional cultural and economic links between Italy and China. When the virus will be definitively eradicated, this empathic attitude will represent an extraordinary platform for enhancing friendship to the great benefit of the two nations.
The notions of health literacy and responsible citizens are crucial for prevention because sane action requires context awareness.