China’s AI Advantage and Why the Country can Have it
China presently boasts the largest number of AI companies and has the highest funding scale in this field after the US. What exactly is propelling the AI boom in China?
China presently boasts the largest number of AI companies and has the highest funding scale in this field after the US. What exactly is propelling the AI boom in China?
But, with bilateral relations between the two countries at their lowest levels in recent times, many are questioning why trade talks are resuming now?
The US unilateralism and bullying behavior has undoubtedly led to the rise of nuclear proliferation and nuclear safety risks.
With MP’s returning from their summer recess on September 2nd, and Parliament set to be shut down during the second week, this week is set to be one of the most important weeks in modern British history.
Given the government’s vision and Shenzhen’s track record so far, it appears that the city will once again prove to be a role model in promoting deeper and bolder reforms, not only for China but also for the rest of the world.
Unlike May, Johnson has only a few months to prove he is about more than just empty rhetoric.
China, Japan and South Korea combined have a heavy weight in the global economy.
The amnesty sublimes historical experience and is a profound grasp of how the laws govern the country.
Libra seems to build a new entry for global users into an era of digital finance.
Notably, the ‘waste generation’ has been one of the biggest challenges for China as well.
China’s views on Europe and its policy toward Europe are consistent.
A joint report released last month by four prominent Chinese think tanks has shed new light on Shanghai’s commercial potential. Ranking it the best business city in China, the WANB Institute, China Strategic Culture Promotion Association, China Economic Media Association, and YICAI Research Institute analyzed a series of interdependent factors that contribute to Shanghai’s urban business environment index. The result was not a complete surprise since Shanghai has been leading China’s growth for quite some time. But the study does offer an opportunity for China watchers to understand what makes the city’s economy so remarkable. One of the major reasons for Shanghai’s success is the infrastructure index that turned out to be the highest in all of China. The city has established itself as the de facto business capital by modernizing its infrastructure to cater to businesses from across the globe heading to China to benefit from the world’s second-largest economy. A monumental US$21 billion investment last year was spent on mega projects such as the construction of the Yangshan deepwater port, the renovation of the Hongqiao International Airport and the expansion of the metro network. Shanghai is the world’s fifth largest financial hub and is working its way up to becoming the global leader. This January, an action plan was approved by the State Council to make the city […]