China’s New Economic Drivers Are Opportunities to Europe
There are a lot of opportunities for European companies in these quite new industries, as well as in more traditional industries such as automotive, energy, hospitality, and healthcare.
There are a lot of opportunities for European companies in these quite new industries, as well as in more traditional industries such as automotive, energy, hospitality, and healthcare.
China and the U.S. have long developed mutually beneficial economic ties over the past decades. Moreover, China is more resilient, stronger, and more confident than it was eight years ago.
It’s high time that we talk to each other, find peaceful ways of resolving conflicts and disputes, and create a system that is mutually beneficial to all human beings around the world.
There are many areas where the U.S. and China not only could be cooperating, but should be together leading the world.
The global crisis of climate change is a topic where all the governments can collaborate together. There is a lot of collaboration to create in this field. But we need to recreate the dynamic.
China has now emerged as a strong and wealthy nation, capable of serving the greater global good through win-win development schemes, while promoting democracy internationally through true multilateralism.
There’s an encouragement for other people to find their own modernity. So I find that really encouraging and important.
The wall-to-wall fearmongering campaign against China has irreparably damaged the reputations of some of the world’s most respected news organizations.
China’s rapid infrastructure development over the past decade — including tunnels and bridges to energy transport and communication networks — has earned it the reputation as an “Infrastructure Powerhouse”. Now, Chinese-built infrastructure projects can be found worldwide, bringing significant benefits to countries around the globe. What is the secret behind these remarkable achievements? Let’s find out!
China has remained steadfast in contributing wisdom to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, alongside actively advocating and practicing it.
The BRI project will be improved, so there will be more focus on quality rather than quantity.
In a world beset by economic uncertainties, crises, and ever-shifting dynamics, cooperation is not an option; it is the only way forward.