China is making important contributions towards a new international order which, to my mind, represents a historic advance for the human society, while being...
That people have been able to follow these elephants' journey is a testament to investments made by China in protecting and increasing their numbers over the...
Apart from nuclear energy, the country is developing a variety of new energy sources to replace as much of its current fossil-based energy supply as possible.
It is a common cause for humanity to combat climate change. The global efforts in this regard can be taken as a mirror for humans to reflect on what models are...
As the world's largest developing country, and at a critical stage in its own development, China is committed to completing the world's most dramatic reduction...
This is, perhaps, the very transformational moment in which China could create an ecological civilization that positively changes not only China, but the...
Got a burning question on China? ChinaFocus has got you covered with #FindingAnswersinChina. In episode five, we take a look at how China is battling the...
Developed nations have long been responsible for the effects of climate change, with United States President Joe Biden calling for them to do more and...