Having set ambitious goals, China in the past five years made great contributions to the global environment. Not only did China hugely lower carbon intensity,...
Without any doubt, the planet will keep warming in this century. The thing that perplexes climate scientists is how much the temperature will rise by 2100.
Mutual distrust has been the problem. China and the new Biden Administration could usefully develop some confidence-building measures in tech governance...
The general public has overwhelmingly supported environmentally friendly schemes, helping raise awareness dramatically in all walks of life. Commitment to...
China was at forefront in the efforts to clinch the Paris Agreement, and is committed to fulfilling its pledges to address climate change and helping and...
International commitments and continuity of policies need to be ensured. Developed nations need to update and submit new INDCs to raise their targets for...
In development, islands should find their respective niches, develop their corresponding markets, and brand themselves as distinctive tourist destinations. All...