The rapid expansion of China's box office market is a testimony to the success of its transition towards a consumer economy. Going to the cinema is a form of...
China's space industry has produced a remarkable scorecard in the past five years: characterized by nearly a third of global space launches, the completion of...
Through its health diplomacy and engagement with the global community, China has shown that not only the people of the country are united but also that unity...
The group of 17 European countries that joined the China-CEEC Summit has not been very homogenous. Different priorities, histories, sizes and cultures are not...
The new development paradigm with dual circulation has two backgrounds. One is the complex international environment brought up by a large population leading...
The modernization of the FTA between China and New Zealand is undoubtedly bolstering the world’s confidence in multilateralism and economic globalization, a...
Although a soft reset arguably is in everyone's best interests, neither side realistically expects relations to warm considerably overnight. Both realize...
Western politicians and media long promoting the line that China was responsible for inflicting the COVID-19 pandemic on the world, need to admit they were...
All provincial economies set their growth targets for 2021 in a prudent way, planning for high-quality development instead of rapid expansion, and underlining...