While the prospect of China-US cooperation appears increasingly fanciful with each passing day, China remains one of the strongest proponents for international...
In China, the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) called for the emergence of an innovative society, with heavy and repeated usage of terminologies like...
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) recent rules have been widely criticized by international students, universities and American states...
China has been the world's factory for almost 30 years. With its steady economic growth and stability, the huge opportunities and development potentials will...
Under Boris Johnson, the British government has decidedly moved away from friendship and cooperation with Beijing, and instead followed Washington in pursuing...
The hard truth laid bare in this pandemic tells people that humanity needs to form an effective, cooperative, and transparent system for global public health...
Across all humanity, our lives have been disrupted. Infections see no borders, fatalities heed no time zones. Fighting the virus together is the only way that...
It is really time for everyone to re-frame our thinking and mindset that we live in a globalized world where the problems are globalized and we are actually...