This year marks the 55th year of diplomatic relations between China and France! The two countries have been working together on many projects, but how strong...
China’s space ambitions are big! They just landed a probe on the dark side of the moon and have missions to Mars planned, but how have they been able to...
Italy has signed of a memorandum of understanding to become part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI — one of the top highlights of cooperation...
France, within the European Union, demonstrates a strong attachment to European democratic values. In Europe, individualism prevails against collectiveness.
Many opposition MPs want a second referendum in order to cancel Brexit, emboldened by a media campaign portraying the 17.4 million "Leave" voters as ignorant...
The conference is jam-packed with activities, and topics for the daily sessions have been carefully selected to highlight global and regional issues. Experts...
Trade in goods between the two has risen to record-levels of over €1.5 billion a day, as of 2017, and China is now the EU’s second largest trading partner...