Josh is out exploring Beijing again. This time he is around his house and he is showing us the steps being taken to stop the spread of this virus. We can beat...
China has evidently demonstrated the strength of its political system in tackling national crisis, this time, during the sudden outbreak of a contagious virus....
Today, once one country encounters difficulties, the whole region and even the world will get involved, so we should jointly deal with the emergencies." This...
Mr Walsh didn’t visit Hubei Province, the centre of the epidemic, or even China. Rather he caught the coronavirus in a country which both Australia and the...
Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in China, St John Moore, expressed the sentiment of much of the expat community when he said, “We are here to...
Many people are worried about the new covid 19 virus, but according to scientists the peak should happen soon and there will be fewer cases in the coming days...
In this week’s addition, the team has focused on five claims being spread across the internet, including whether the virus was a leaked bio-weapon, the...