Stronger Ties Through SCO
The SCO ideals of shared prosperity and mutual respect with emphasis on economic ties, comprehensive security, and people-to-people contact can push India-China cooperation forward.
The SCO ideals of shared prosperity and mutual respect with emphasis on economic ties, comprehensive security, and people-to-people contact can push India-China cooperation forward.
ASEAN has made great efforts in protecting its rich biodiversity and promoting ecologically sustainable cities.
Countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have finally awakened from the illusion of America’s security protection, and began to realize that only by security cooperation and coordination with neighboring countries can they materialize security of their own.
The departure of the U.K. from the EU helped open the way for France to take charge, and the chaos of American foreign policy during Trump’s term convinced France and the EU to keep its distance.
Despite the health crisis, the global economic recession, trade protectionism, and African debt, Chinese businesses remain hopeful and eager to invest in Africa.
Leveraging consumer affection for ‘flagship species’ alongside successful models of sustainable use, conservation, and restoration will inspire and inform the 2050 vision of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The concepts of biodiversity and climate should be embedded in every decision we make regarding our development in the coming years.
With fewer students attending in-person there is also less focus on facilities and more on digital infrastructure.
It is accordingly ‘who’ the eventual coalition will consist of that will determine the path that Germany takes.
If transparent, accountable and sustainable international cooperation is not forged, the remaining months of 2021 will witness a humanitarian crisis on a scale that will transcend the tragic events in Syria and Yemen during the last decade.
China’s contribution extends from being just a personnel and funding supplier.
The close economic and trade ties between China and CELAC countries can help accumulate flexibility in their cooperation to withstand any negative impacts from changes in either the regional political landscape or the international environment.