China’s Two Sessions 2025: Impacts on the World

As China gears up to hold "Two Sessions", the world is on its toes to figure out the connotations of their vibes and...

Brexit: A Clumsy English Attempt to Have Their Cake and Eat It Too

Regardless of the outcome of the continued negotiations with the EU, the so-called Johnson’s “Global Britain” seems to be impatiently awaiting the result of the U.S. presidential election to see if it has to go to “the back of queue” in any future trade talks with the U.S. and lose face in the eyes of the entire world, or “become de facto the 51st state of America, or at least a U.S. territory.”

Can Global Internet Be Saved?

Though undoubtedly less than pleased to see their country’s most prominent technology and internet firms losing access to overseas markets, China’s leaders and policymakers are not entirely unreasonable, and likely understand the inherent imbalances in which China’s own digital sphere remains largely closed to foreign players, while expecting overseas markets to remain open to China’s.