The coronavirus-hit world needs solidarity and cooperation more than ever
The spread of the coronavirus is showing us that what we share is much more powerful than what keeps us apart. Fundamentally we are fighting for the same cause.
The spread of the coronavirus is showing us that what we share is much more powerful than what keeps us apart. Fundamentally we are fighting for the same cause.
In the 21st century, Chinese civilization is coming back with great strength and overcoming challenges like COVID-19.
The EU and China must strengthen their partnership to overcome this crisis and provide the most vulnerable members of the international community with the support they need.
Hawkish views within the Trump administration and the Wolf Amendment make any collaboration between China and the US in space difficult. But as both sides begin an unprecedented few years’ in space exploration and support for the amendment wanes, is now a chance for both countries to review cooperation among the stars?
To focus solely on border security is narrow-minded. Finger pointing in a global crisis is short-sighted. Infectious diseases constitute challenges far beyond the realm of medical science and the borders of any single country. They test our global conceptions and mindset.
Pandemics have historically shown to be fertile breeding grounds for the spread and acceptance of bizarre conspiracy theories.
Multilateralism is so important. The opportunity, therefore in the current moment, is to reinvigorate multilateralism and to build a new platform for the new era.
The U.S. should have learned from the experience in South Korea and Italy that the virus could cross borders and spread within countries, but they did not and wasted the month of February.
Dismantling global value chains under the myopic guise of punishment, fear of vulnerability, or nationalism would not only be a rejection of the positive benefits of globalization but it would deny a coronavirus-torn world both the spirit and collaborative opportunities that are so desperately needed today.
Whether a more uniting narrative of liberty versus tyranny or a more partisan narrative of public health versus the economy prevails, anti-lockdown protests look set to become an increasingly common spectacle in America.
It seems that any recovery from the pandemic slump in Europe and the U.S. will be more drawn out, with expansion below the previous trend for many years to come. If so, it will become another chapter in the long depression we experienced over the last ten years.
These are evidences showing that the scientific community in the U.S. has known about the virus almost the same time when the Chinese doctors and scientists discovered it.