Opening Up Amid Global Changes: China’s Resilience and Commitment to Globalization
China’s Technological Prowess Has Played a Crucial Role in Containing Covid-19
After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, China’s technology played an important role in this deadly battle where all kinds of tech being used in different stages from the early detection of the virus to the ending.
Life Lessons from China’s Response to the Coronavirus
Why Chinese today are able to tackle such formidable foes as poverty, hunger, and now the raging epidemic?
Cooperation is a Must to Defeat COVID-19 and Its Impacts
There are positives signs for closer international cooperation on fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic as the G20 video summit was convened and Chinese and US leaders had a phone call.
Coronavirus: As Schools Close Across the World, How Has China Kept Students Learning?
Despite these challenges, for students, online learning is offering them a chance to resume their education and to return to a state of normality that they haven’t experienced for many weeks.
A Critical Year for China to Fight Covid-19 and Poverty
As the fight against the emergency of coronavirus draws to a close, China must carry on to fulfill other important tasks this year as planned.
Bracing for Impact of COVID-19
Because of the COVID-19 virus, the living condition of many specific group has been exposed to the world. It will expose the failure of governments to plan for and deliver services – not just health services – best meeting the needs of all. It will expose the life-threatening vulnerabilities caused by displacement, violence, poverty and war.
Circuit Breaker Reveals Four Major Contradictions Existing in US
After the US stock market plunge triggered circuit breakers for the first time this year, the US government’s irresponsible attitude and image caused the market to continue its precipitous fall, while their various inconsistent statements and behaviors further aggravated market anxiety.
Coronavirus Exposes Flaws of Capitalism
It is not only the world of politics which has been rocked by the coronavirus, the world of business has been shaken from its ideological center as well.
[Ambassadors on fighting COVID-19] Int’l community should collaborate in the battle against COVID-19 epidemic for better results
Boateng noted that the virus knows no age, race, or creed and people should demonstrate love and help each other.
China’s Way to Combat Covid-19 and What the World Should Do
This is an era of globalization and all parts of the world are connected closely. This is a time the world needs to work together and foster even more understanding and cooperation.
International Cooperation Needed to Prevail over the COVID-19 Pandemic at an Early Date
Let’s hope all countries should work together to win early victory over the pandemic which will be beneficial to the development of both China and the rest of the world as well as the global economy.