A Sobering Reminder
The attempts to enlarge NATO or extend its reach into the Asia-Pacific will only make the region less secure.
The attempts to enlarge NATO or extend its reach into the Asia-Pacific will only make the region less secure.
Unleashing and developing productive forces, and providing governance capabilities that match the modern state, remain the two threads of reform.
The recent plenum focused on deepening reform placing science and technology at the heart of the high-quality development that China intends to achieve.
The BRI will be a catalyst for a more integrated world and more interconnected global trade instead of regional trade.
Against the backdrop of intensified global geopolitical competition and weak economic recovery, if Ethiopia can solve its food problem on its own, it will make a huge contribution to global food security.
A complex mix of economic dependencies, geopolitical considerations and longstanding diplomatic engagements is what defines China-EU relations. The core dynamics of these relationships are determined by broader strategic interests and the collective will of EU member states.
By finding ways to resolve the contradictions, a win-win situation for both ecological conservation and high-quality development can be achieved.
In essence, the SCO has existed to provide a multilateral means for managing complex relationships in Central Asia, significantly improving regional development and security.
There is a widespread consensus across different sectors in China to eliminate outdated thinking and institutional barriers to innovation.
Multipolarity necessitates new institutions and methods to affirm and enhance existing multilateral frameworks, such as the U.N., to improve their functionality. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence must form a key part of these efforts.
Through collaborative initiatives such as building cross-border e-commerce platforms and smart logistics systems, the Digital Silk Road aims to integrate more countries into the global supply chain.
Fostering intelligent manufacturing bases is part of Shanghai’s effort to promote a green transition.