Climate Change Alarm Bells Are Ringing
Even a future that is significantly less extreme would still cause forced relocation, heat stroke, extreme cold, destructive superstorms, and more suffering and deaths for many.
Even a future that is significantly less extreme would still cause forced relocation, heat stroke, extreme cold, destructive superstorms, and more suffering and deaths for many.
It is difficult to overstate Australia and China’s joint commitment to regional multilateralism and free trade.
In response to the new era, Chinese modernization offers an alternative to Western liberal capitalist principles.
As flames engulf the Middle East, the world must turn its focus to extinguishing at least one battlefield, before the shadow of war grows even larger. All sides must set aside blame and work toward a just peace.
A community with a shared future requires Washington and Beijing to collaborate in preventing AI’s worst possibilities.
The Chinese path to modernization has enhanced and enriched human civilization, which brings new opportunities for closer cultural communication and mutual learning.
The more Europe engages with China and vice versa, the more likely a minimum degree of coordination can be secured in world politics. Greece acknowledges this reality and is prepared, within its limited capacity amid international antagonism, to promote the need for cooperation.
Today, more than ever, the digital revolution must be an inclusive sustainable development revolution that brings us closer and does not divide us, that builds bridges among cultures and does not burn them.
As two major countries in the world, whether China and the U.S. can find a right path of state-to-state interaction bears on world peace and development, and the future of humanity.
At this pivotal moment, when surveying the global landscape, who, if not China, is better positioned to fulfill the role of global free trade advocate?
CIIE 2023 is seen as a good opportunity to overcome mistrust in ties with China and call for greater efforts to stabilize relations and put them back on the path of healthy, stable and mutual development.
Increased two-way trade, dialogue and relationship building will benefit the vendors, the buyers and the leaders in attendance but ultimately will benefit the people and economies of China and the world.