Will Lessons of WWI Be Learned to Prevent Exacerbation of Ukraine Crisis?
It is urgent that diplomacy be undertaken today in order to give peace a chance and to avoid a mad rush to disaster.
It is urgent that diplomacy be undertaken today in order to give peace a chance and to avoid a mad rush to disaster.
Mutual trust, cooperation and friendship are the most appropriate words to describe the current China-Spain relations.
A fundamental restructuring of international governance is required if the benefits of global economic growth are to be shared more fairly, and the dream of common prosperity for all peoples is to be turned into reality.
China remains an important source of revenue growth and security that businesses can invest in as their situation deteriorates at home. Thus, despite mainstream media negativity, business owners ought to be optimistic, not pessimistic, about their prospects in China.
The in-person resumption of high-level consultations between China and the Philippines is a vital step to consolidating implementation outcomes from January, managing differences peacefully, and guiding their relationship in a mutually rewarding direction.
Ultimately mistrust can be lessened to a degree by more communication and reinvigorating people-to-people exchanges. Hopefully, we can still imagine a restart as we emerge from this period of darkness.
The motto ‘community with a shared future for mankind’ serves as a core value driving China’s international relations and affirms the country’s opposition to hegemonism and unilateralism, highlighting its commitment to unity among the peoples of the world.
U.S. Congress stands intent on blocking TikTok and if they succeed the country will take another step forward on trade protectionism and increasing censorship on the American public.
This is why China’s role in restoring Saudi-Iran ties may well be the harbinger of a new dawn in West Asia and a new era in international relations.
Democracy is a value shared by all mankind, and it should not be used as a tool to advance geostrategy.
If people view the world as a community with a shared future, then openness, cooperation and win-win outcomes will be the fruits of their choice.
Democracy is a pluralistic concept. People should practice it in light of their country’s social conditions. There is not just one form of democracy in the world. As long as people support it, all forms of democracy should be respected.