China’s Contribution to Global Economic Growth and Globalization
China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world as a whole maintain peace, development, prosperity and stability without China.
China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world as a whole maintain peace, development, prosperity and stability without China.
While a three-year relationship is by no means brief, I know many of us, wherever we are in the world, are ready to embrace whatever comes next.
The year 2023 should not be a repeat of 2022. The coming year needs to be one of recovery and openness.
To strengthen biodiversity conservation and promote ecological progress, the international community needs to team up and build a shared future for all life on Earth.
Outer space resources are the common wealth of all mankind.
We share the same challenges, and we need to bring Chinese wisdom into the global system.
China, as one of the world’s key economic engines, will continue to play a role in stabilizing the global economy in the post-pandemic era.
There is no doubt that the China-Africa cooperation has opened up many African economies to modernisation, that can only add fresh impetus to continental development.
Rural revitalization efforts aim to build a strong agricultural sector and ensure even development between urban and rural areas.
The opening of the border and the evolution of the approach to COVID-19, along with the results of the Central Economic Work Conference should give everyone inside and outside of China hope for a bigger and better economic future.
To achieve sound economic performance in 2023, China is ready to leverage its advantages while shoring up its weak points.
The African dream of industrialization and development can be achieved especially with the contributions of China.