Exceeding Expectations
South Africa’s role is pivotal in this change, as it awakens to the potential and energy of a giant continent of 1.3 billion people endowed with fertile land and rich biodiversity.
South Africa’s role is pivotal in this change, as it awakens to the potential and energy of a giant continent of 1.3 billion people endowed with fertile land and rich biodiversity.
Chinese Modernization contains some elements common to the modernization processes of all countries, but is mostly characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.
One way or another, the U.K.’s long political crisis looks set to continue for a few years yet.
If the United States really wants to bring the change Africans aspire to have, it needs to sincerely listen to the needs and concerns of African nations themselves instead of seeing the continent through the lens of its competition with a so-called rivalry.
The challenges threatening humanity can be coped with only when parochial, self-centered, and elitist development policies are replaced with new policies to address the aspiration of billions to live a life of dignity.
The projected strong comeback of Chinese economy will not only be a boon to China itself, but a shot in the arm for global recovery.
We need to pay attention to variation and the human ability to deal with it. This is a roadmap for synchronization of the U.S. and China interests and responsibilities to humanity.
As one of China’s oldest cultural practices, traditional tea processing techniques embody the spirit of modesty, harmony, and comity.
Having been on the losing end of this history, and having worked so hard to overcome it, and meanwhile, watching the ongoing declines of the West, China is motivated both morally and by self and mutual interest to take a peaceful path whenever possible.
Enduring peace could only be nurtured and sustained after all stakeholder nations in the region stand to benefit from the dividends of joint development.
Indonesia-China relations have shown a satisfying enhancement, especially after both agreed to form a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2013 and succeeded in synergizing Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum and the BRI in 2018.
When you are fighting against poverty, you don’t give hope to people; you let them stay in their condition and assist them. But when you bring people out of poverty, you give them hope because you are taking them out from their condition to another condition.