US Strategic Competition Act to Further Strain Washington-Beijing Relations As the cliche goes, there is not much there, meaning the all-too-popular narrative about... China & The WorldPolitics Apr 26, 2021
The West’s Attitude to Japan’s Nuclear Water Dumping Plan Shows Double-Standard Discharging millions of gallons of ‘treated’ water into the world's largest and... China & The World Apr 20, 2021
Washington’s Human Rights Report Is a Self-Narrative for Its Own Interests Washington has crafted its own narrative, one universally accepted by American news... China & The WorldPolitics Apr 8, 2021
Stop Anti-Asian Hate Is Not Enough For anti-Asian hate to really be addressed, politicians must establish policies that... China & The WorldPolitics Mar 31, 2021
Why Anti-China Reporting Prominent in the West? The reason for framing Beijing negatively in Western media is the latter’s own need of... China & The WorldPolitics Mar 29, 2021