CCTV’s Pollution Survival Guide: Smile and Be Positive

Desperately seeking blue skies? Depressed by the gloomy smog? Worried about the health risks of spending a series of days and nights being enveloped by toxic air? Well, snap out of it, you sissy! That’s right! According to China Central Television (CCTV), its high-time to recheck that attitude! “Smile and try to be positive (hopefully there will be less smog tomorrow,)” declared CCTVNews  on December 8th – the very day of Beijing issued its historic first ever red alert in reaction to the city’s dire air pollution. The alert lasted three days; from 7am on Tuesday the 8th of December  til noon on Thursday the 10th of December when the haze cleared. Factories, constructions sites and schools were closed, and millions of cars were also ordered not to drive in a bid to improve the air quality. Indeed, CCTV’s word’s almost echo those sung by Annie, the famous musical orphan : “The sun will come out tomorrow/Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow/ There’ll be sun.” Nothing quite like some Broadway panache, to liven up the mood, eh? Not only was the guidance helpful (and all that jazz), but it was also accompanied with an equally tasteful illustration of five beaming jellybean-like creatures wriggling around in delight. Perhaps these merry little characters were indulging in a cheeky, little pollution party – […]

Dec 10, 2015

The Rickshaw Report: The UN Climate Change Summit

1. This December, 140 world leaders of the most powerful world leaders will meet in Paris for the UN Climate Change Summit. Xi Jingping made a speech at the Opening Ceremony. What do you know about Climate Change? I think climate change is real. Over the past years, the temperature seems to be steadily increasing. I think this phenomenon has been provoked from mankind’s activities. 2. Consequences of global warming include heat waves, droughts and flooding, which threaten the lives of humans as well as animals. Do you find this worrying? That’s what will happen if global warming continues. I heard also that the polar icecaps are already melting, causing the sea to rise by 2 meters a day. Before, we had no vehicles on the streets, so there was no pollution at all. But now, the technology is getting more developed, and the automobile making industry has boomed leading to more and more pollution. But I think, as common people, we do not have any control over this matter. We cannot stop anything, but we will have to suffer from the results. 3. Is climate change a big topic amongst Chinese people? Of course, Chinese people talk about it. We also complain a lot about the polluted air. But, just like I said before, I do not think our […]

Dec 10, 2015

Climate Change: The Greatest Challenge for Our Generation

Global warming is an undeniable reality. Its adverse effects threaten both humanity and nature. Indeed, mounting evidence makes clear that climate change may very well be the greatest challenge that our  generation will have to face.  As a result, the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (also known as the COP21)  is one of the most significant events of 2015, not only for the 195 nations who have sent their teams to negotiate at the Paris summit, but also for ordinary citizens. The agreements reached at the summit will have a long-term impact on the lives of people throughout the globe. As The Guardian notes “the decisions […] will affect everything from which power plants provide you energy to what food you eat and how likely your home is to flood or be hit by extreme weather in the future.” Over the next two weeks, countries will endeavor to work out a deal for beyond 2020 ( the year the Kyoto Protocol expires) in order to maintain global warming to a 2c increase. In particular, countries will need to agree on commitments to limit their greenhouse emissions as well as usage of polluting fossil fuels. Needless to say, the outcome of the convention will also be greatly influenced by the endeavors of […]

Dec 1, 2015