“Steel Camel Caravans” Link China, Central Asia and Europe
The China-Europe freight train service is becoming an important growth pole for countries along the Belt and Road routes to rely on.
Aug 8, 2023
The China-Europe freight train service is becoming an important growth pole for countries along the Belt and Road routes to rely on.
Aug 8, 2023
The conclusion of the IFD text negotiations shows that economic globalization remains the main trend around the world.
Jul 24, 2023
U.S. firms greatly benefit from China’s growth and development through the immense value semiconductor sales bring to U.S. chip giants.
Jul 20, 2023
The world community has comprehensively failed to ensure a fair primary distribution of global income. Moreover, this failure is compounded by the intergovernmental organizations established to manage the secondary income distribution being complicit in perpetuating existing inequalities.
Jun 19, 2023
The further development of China’s homegrown airliners makes it possible for the country to become one of the suppliers of civil aircraft and related products and services to the world.
Jun 2, 2023
China remains an important source of revenue growth and security that businesses can invest in as their situation deteriorates at home. Thus, despite mainstream media negativity, business owners ought to be optimistic, not pessimistic, about their prospects in China.
Mar 31, 2023
If people view the world as a community with a shared future, then openness, cooperation and win-win outcomes will be the fruits of their choice.
Mar 29, 2023
The global challenges we face today impose the need for a new paradigm of global governance beyond just optimizing nation-states’ self-interests.
Mar 23, 2023
The vision of common, cooperative, comprehensive and sustainable security should be advocated. A balanced, effective and lasting global and regional security structure requires a global partnership.
Mar 17, 2023
The Belt and Road Initiative offers concrete opportunities for other developing countries to break out of the old cycles of underdevelopment while also providing China with opportunities to realize its own full potential in tandem with the large public goods associated with global peace and socioeconomic justice.
Feb 13, 2023
The United States ultimately opposes the idea of other countries integrating for common prosperity and strives to create fractures through the promulgation of geopolitical conflict in order to sustain its dominance.
Feb 10, 2023
When addressing regional and international issues, war and sanctions are not good options; dialogue and negotiation are the fundamental way out.
Feb 8, 2023