A Plan for Deeper, Broader Engagement
China and Africa’s relationship cannot develop without mutual cultural and social understanding between the Chinese and African people.
Jan 7, 2022Beyond the Rails
Undeniably, infrastructural connectivity is a ‘game changer’ that can transform an economic backwater into a bustling hub of economic growth.
Dec 22, 2021Eight Years on, BRI Offers Path to Mutual Gains
Ultimately, the Belt and Road Initiative stands as an anchor of Global South solidarity and offers hope for the development of the world’s countries to accelerate their economies, broaden their horizons and break out of the unequal economic global system.
Dec 13, 2021Rwanda-China Relations at 50
As the world’s future economic leader, China’s relationship with Rwanda and Africa, the youngest and fastest-growing continent globally, will be at the center of the changes that will occur in the decades to come.
Dec 3, 2021New Railway to Power Laos Economy
The China-Laos project is a connecting piece which brings together a continent, delivering mutual gains to multiple countries in the process.
Nov 22, 2021Greening of the Belt and Road Initiative and COP26
China has also increased investment in clean and renewable energy. The data of the BRI investment shows a steady increase in investment for green energy.
Nov 4, 2021China and the U.S. Share the Responsibility for a Better World
The B3W and the initiative—all those efforts should be coordinated globally by the wealthy countries, trying to establish the infrastructure necessary for the rest of the world, so that we can build a safer, more prosperous world.
Nov 2, 2021AIIB: A New Multilateral Development Bank for the New Era
The world is full of challenges, and Asia cannot expect to sustain itself alone. It is also our mission to cooperate with the other regions in the world. We want to explore the most inclusive and sustainable development path in a world full of uncertainty.
Oct 12, 2021The Future of BRICS
In the current domestic and global framework, the strengthening of bilateral engagements among the five BRICS countries expands the options for the group to act.
Sep 13, 2021Riding the Rails in China
China’s rail network allowed me to fulfil my dreams of adventure and travel.
Aug 23, 2021China to Stay on Top as Global Infrastructure Leader
If you are currently residing in a Chinese city, the most remarkable feature to witness is the construction boom.
Aug 13, 2021