Türkiye’s Recalibration of Foreign Policy
The Turkish government, for its part, aspires to anchor its collaboration with the West in the new conditions that enable it to balance between the West and the East.
Sep 2, 2022
The Turkish government, for its part, aspires to anchor its collaboration with the West in the new conditions that enable it to balance between the West and the East.
Sep 2, 2022
The U.S. political system is the result of the meticulous efforts of countless participants for more than 240 years, but it may very well take just one generation to cause its downfall.
Aug 23, 2022
He leaves amidst an economy that is in a state of contraction, faces skyrocketing inflation, shrinking living standards, growing industrial unrest, pushes for separatism in Scotland, and a pandemic that has left over 181,000 people dead.
Jul 18, 2022
The politically motivated boycott of the Olympics not only compromises the athletes’ morale but also hampers the overall Olympic spirit.
Dec 7, 2021
Afghanistan is one example, but not the only one, that strongly proves America’s failure in its policy of interference.
Aug 20, 2021
May 8 will mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the end of World War Two in Europe. While the stories of D-Day and Dunkirk are well versed, China’s resistance against Japan is one of the great untold stories of the Second World War and one that contributed heavily to the Allies victory.
May 8, 2020
In casting China as the new American boogeyman in order to boost campaign polling, Republican hawks are playing a very dangerous game.
May 7, 2020
Human beings are facing a tough challenge; we should realize that cooperation, common interest, building confidence, and preserving social values are the only way to help us beat the virus.
Apr 23, 2020
Rather than examining their own failures, governments instead deflect and blame Beijing in both ideological and cultural terms as an ‘oriental’ other who does not live up to the West’s conceptualization of ‘civilization’. It is wrong, misleading and dishonest for given countries to now scapegoat their own obvious and well cited administrative failures onto China.
Apr 23, 2020
What Americans should do now is to hunker down, take responsibility for their health and the health of those they care for, and prepare for the future.
Mar 20, 2020
China’s political system has bolstered the country’s decades-long development miracle; it will moreover propel its progress on a new trajectory.
Mar 12, 2020
These new restrictions are no doubt aimed at the same time at controlling the narrative. Presently, anyone who wants to say a kind word about China is immediately suspect.
Mar 4, 2020